Resilient Disciples

Listen, Love, Lead
There are moments in life where the Spirit moves us from where our plans have taken us to where God’s purpose needs us positioned. What is rare is when this occurs simultaneously on an individual and societal level. Together we’re living through a season marked by concurrent crisis. One follows another. As a result, some desire to get back to normal. Others wish to build back better. As followers of Jesus, we need clarity on where God is inviting us to trust Him deeper.
None of us arrives at clarity alone, so together let’s anchor in listening, loving, and then leading out where the Holy Spirit is inviting us to follow.
Week Five
Meaningful Relationships
Date: October 9, 2022
Speaker: Pastor Jason Boucher
Week Six
Counter-Cultural Mission
Date: October 16, 2022
Speaker: Pastor Jason Boucher and Kofi Kobia