Position. Build Your House.

Build Your House
Our prayer isn’t just a returning to face-to-face; it’s heart-to-heart.
You’ve seen the scene. Following a storm, people return home to see what still stands. Together we have all just lived through a long season. While we firmly believe the Holy Spirit is moving to continue building His Church, this is a season of recovery, of rebuilding. It is also a season of opportunity, dreaming not only what was but what God may desire to do.
Our world has changed. The church needs building blocks to see God’s House flourish in a post-Christian world. As we look back over the past stormy season, Jesus the Chief Cornerstone remains perfectly in place. Yet what the storm revealed needs to be healed. Things are not the same; still, Jesus never changes. So why settle for back to normal, when the Spirit can gather us for something new?
Week Five
From Serving to Loving
Date: November 21, 2021
Speaker: Jason & Lori Boucher
Week Six
How Do I Stay Anchored In Christ?
Date: November 28, 2021
Speaker: Jason Boucher